Xeric HB Water-Bar is a hydrophilic sealing bar made of sodium bentonite and butyl rubber for preventive sealing of construction joints and as a system component for bentonite mats. Mechanical fixation can be performed with Xeric HB Water-Bar fixing adhesive for water swellable sealing profiles or by nailing.

Xeric HB Water-Bar hydrophilic swelling bar based on high-quality butyl rubber and sodium bentonite. Xeric HB Water-Bar retains its shape after 3 wet and dry cycles (MPA certified). However, at a certain point, partly washing out will be initiated.

The benefit of this phenomenon, on the other hand, is that concrete voids/cracks are filled up.

Xeric HB Water-Bar has a good resistance to a wide range of chemicals. Final confirmation about compatibility under specific conditions can be obtained from our technical dept.